Final Fantasy XI: The Lost Town of Sel Phiner

Note: In 2022 an early version of the Vana’diel map was revealed, showing that Sel Phiner DID exist in the FFXI universe.  You can find it listed as “Selpina” here.

Exploring unused content that doesn’t make it into a final game might be my favorite time sink on the internet. Over the years, I’ve spent many late nights on websites like The Cutting Room Floor and Unseen 64 digging through the discoveries of others. Exploring old game content, either via old media releases or even data mining the game itself, reveals development stories of what could have been.

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Five Good and Bad Feelings About Games in 2017

I, alone, will likely never play enough games released in one year to do any sort of Game of the Year list. I’m spread pretty thin across a variety of generations. Nothing I have to say about 2017 is all encompassing.

However, I do have a mix of thoughts from throughout the year that might be nice to sort of bundle into a weird list thing.

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One Controller Port Podcast: Episode 22 – Peachy Beachy

This week I talk about Senran Kagura: Peach Beach Splash, Dragon Quest X on PS4, some adventure game fun as well as a the Castlevania Soul System.

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Final Fantasy XI: How the East Transformed Vana’diel

Like any live game, Final Fantasy XI has changed significantly over its fifteen year life. In my five years –  plus some – with the game, I can’t think of a single bigger turning point than the release of the expansion Treasures of Aht Urhgan. The shift in design re-invigorated the game, as well as lightened the oppressive reputation the MMO had built.

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One Controller Port Podcast – Episode 15: Final Fortune Street XI

This week I talk about finishing up Final Fantasy XI, the new Fortune Street for PlayStation 4 and PlayStation Vita as well as an indie game that just didn’t jive with me.

Opening music from Fortune Street.

Ending music from Mario Paint.

One Controller Port Podcast – Episode 12: This Podcast Stinks!

Mistakes were made and I decided to start my lonesome podcast up again, for now at least. Please enjoy my rambling into a microphone for 20 minutes by myself about Tetsuya Nomura, Windjammers, Grim Fandango and a Japanese Arcade game for children.

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