A New Website and a bit of Reflection


Hey. If you don’t listen to my podcast, this might be a bit sudden: This blog is at its end of life.

I want to go ahead and get a couple of things out of the way:

If you want to keep following my standard content production, I’m launching a new website – One Controller Port. This will feature all my usual articles, videos, podcasts, etc. Ultimately I wasn’t getting what I wanted out of my standard WordPress blog and decided to move forward on building a website to better organize and surface content.

Please read the post on my new website for more information. Thank you for sticking with me!

If you’re looking for Final Fantasy XI unused content, stay tuned to this blog. I plan to keep moving forward with this, but would like to find a new platform to discuss it. It doesn’t really fit on my normal blog, so I plan on starting something new. I’ll post here where that platform will be All discoveries will still appear on TheCuttingRoomFloor page.

So now that you know where to go, one thing that kind of felt appropriate was to reflect a bit.

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One Controller Port Podcast – Episode 52: Curse of the Gera Police

This week I talk about Bloodstained: Curse of the Moon, Gunvolt Chronicles: Luminous Avenger iX and some more Dragon Quest Heroes II.

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The Conduit: A Point and Shoot Adventure

I’ve been a long time fan of the Wii. Initially it was because I was a Nintendo fan foaming at the mouth. But as I grew older during the Wii generation, I started liking the Wii specifically for its different takes on and unique implementations of certain genres. The design decisions made for the platform typically aimed to fit the motion controls or attempted to reach a wider audience. First Person Shooters seemed like a perfect fit for the console with the ability to perform precise aiming with the infrared pointer. As much as a no-brainer it seemed to be, the implementation was not so simple.

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